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Aug 21, 2023 · Translation by Adel Ben Bella

Testimony of Colonel C, collected by Observatoire des armements – translation completed

Recording of translation process from open source writing pad (August 2023).


Left: Scan of original testimony collected by the Lyon-based NGO Observatoire des Armements in collaboration with the Association of the Veterans of the French Nuclear Tests and their Families. To protect the privacy of the witnesses, identifying information has been redacted. Right: Export of translation. ›››


Translator: Adel Ben Bella

Adel Ben Bella is a filmmaker and curator currently pursuing a PhD in Modern Culture and Media at Brown University. He holds a BA in Lettres Modernes Spécialisées from Université de La Sorbonne, and an MFA in Film Directing from Columbia University. His work revolves around twentieth century colonial and postcolonial France and Algeria with a focus on activist and militant visual media within the context of the Algerian Revolution and Algerian national identity formation.

Other translations by Adel Ben Bella:
Testimony of Gérard C, collected by Observatoire des armements

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