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Aug 21, 2023 · Translation by Anik Fournier

Testimony of Hammouch Abdel Kader ben Ali, collected by Bruno Hadjih — translation completed

Recording of translation process from open source writing pad (August 2023).


Left: Transcription of testimony originally registered via audio recording by Algerian photographer Bruno Hadjih, which was later translated from Tamazight to French. In the interest of visibility, the names of the interviewees are maintained. Right: Export of translation. ›››


Translator: Anik Fournier

Anik Fournier is the Curator of Archive and Research at If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution (Amsterdam, NL) and teaches contemporary art theory at Base for Experiment Art and Research at ArtEZ (Arnhem, NL). Her current research and writing centers what she calls the ‘composite life-form of a work’, exploring how different archival registers and methodologies afford liveness: a capacity to create affective, relational, and embodied modes of encounter.

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