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Sep 07, 2023 · Translation by Roxanne Panchasi

Testimony of Viviane G, collected by Observatoire des armements – translation completed

Recording of translation process from open source writing pad (September 2023).


Left: Scan of original testimony collected by the Lyon-based NGO Observatoire des Armements in collaboration with the Association of the Veterans of the French Nuclear Tests and their Families. To protect the privacy of the witnesses, identifying information has been redacted. Right: Export of translation. ›››


Translator: Roxanne Panchasi

Roxanne Panchasi is Associate Professor of History at Simon Fraser University in Canada. She is the author of Future Tense: The Culture of Anticipation in France Between the Wars (Cornell University Press, 2009) and the founding host of New Books in French Studies, a podcast channel she launched on the New Books Network in 2013. Her research and writing has explored: handwriting analysis in nineteenth-century France, the ‘uncanny’ rehabilitation of wounded soldiers in the aftermath of the First World War; history pedagogy; experimental and documentary cinema; nuclear weapons; and popular music. Pieces from her current project on the French bomb in empire have appeared (or will soon appear) in History of the Present, French Fiction and Film for Scholars of France (now Imaginaries), Jadaliyya, and Apocalyptica: the Journal of the Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies at the University of Heidelberg.

Other translations by Roxanne Panchasi:
Testimony of Algerian victims, collected by Solange Fernex

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